Browsing All posts tagged under »Santa Fe Railroad«

Dodge City, Kansas. The Queen of the Cow Towns. Even Now.

November 1, 2016


While I’ve always associated Dodge City with the television series Gunsmoke, obviously the story goes a little deeper – especially since Gunsmoke wasn’t even filmed in Dodge City, but rather on a set located outside Knab, Utah. Oh, well – that’s Hollywood. Fort Dodge was constructed during the Indian Wars in the middle 1860s to […]

Las Vegas, New Mexico. Hotels That Hold History, Part III

December 8, 2015


As mentioned a post or two ago, we’ve continued last winter’s hotel hunt, which involved chasing Fred Harvey and the Harvey Girls through the Southwest, seeing the spots where the West was settled “one meal at a time.” Though my husband was kinda sick of the whole Fred thing, I was thrilled to have the […]

Taming the West One Meal at a Time. Fred Harvey and His Harvey Houses

November 28, 2014


You probably think cowboys or settlers tamed the frontier, but actually it was Fred Harvey. While not exactly a household name today, there was a time when just about everyone in Kansas, New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada had at least heard of him, even if they had not yet been fed by him. Fred Harvey […]